First Portugal Market Week in China was held on 18 and 19 November
The Portuguese Entrepreneurial Association (AEP) organized the first edition of Portugal Market Week in China, on 18 and 19 November, in partnership with Interwine (International Wine & Spirits Exhibition).
This external promotional action was aimed to the segment of food and beverage industries and companies, and its objective was to promote the best products of these areas among the Chinese economy.
Market Week was held at the Marriot hotel in Guangzhou and was attended by four Portuguese companies from the wine sector.
Primeira Portugal Market Week na China realizou-se nos dias 18 e 19 de novembro
A AEP – Associação Empresarial de Portugal organizou a primeira edição da Portugal Market Week na China, nos dias 18 e 19 de novembro, em parceria com a Interwine (International Wine & Spirits Exhibition).
Esta ação de promoção externa destinou-se ao segmento das indústrias e empresas de alimentação e bebidas, e teve como objectivo promover o que de melhor se faz nestas áreas junto da economia chinesa.
A Market Week decorreu no hotel Marriot, em Guangzhou, e contou com a participação de quatro empresas portuguesas do setor do vinho.