Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Luso-Mexicana, tem o gosto de partilhar informação veiculada pela representação da AICEP – México.
“Na eventualidade de não ter conhecimento ou lhe ter escapado a notícia na Newsletter AICEP PortugalNews, a AICEP divulga que estão abertas as inscrições para o 6º Mexico Infrastructure Projects Forum – Energia, Hidrocarburos, Transporte y Logística https://www.mexicoinfrastructure.com/, já nos próximos dias 19 a 21 de janeiro, um evento que poderá interessar à sua empresa.
Given the health crisis of COVID 19, the 6th Mexico Energy Infrastructure Projects Forum will be a virtual conference that allows delegates to engage in the discussion as well as have unique networking opportunities with industry peers. During the 3 day event, investors, energy operators, government officials, qualified users, industrial consumers of natural gas, fuel storage and transportation companies from Mexico, Texas and the United States will gather to discuss the investment landscape and business opportunities for the sector in 2021 and beyond.
Register for MIPF6 before January 15, 2021 and save US$100 off the standard registration fee of US $595: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/6th-mexico-infrastructure-projects-forum-energy-leaders-monterrey-tickets-126004963237 or take advantage of our corporate level registration and benefit from the unlimited access you and your colleagues will have to the event.
Mais informações na página web oficial, programa e no anexo.”